Topics for today are the Farmers Market, Thankgiving order forms, Hiring great people and bread news!
Farmers Market - Marymount update
We have been having a great time at the Marymount University Farmers market. We have made some new friends and liked being out in the open air on Saturday mornings. We will be there the first three Saturday's in November (5, 12, 19). In case of inclement weather, please check our facebook page.
The market is on the campus near Glebe and Old Dominion in Arlington.
Thanksgiving order forms...
Are ready in the bakery this week, stay tuned for an online form as well.
Hiring Bread Bakery Fans...
How about a nice warm place to work during the winter months? We have spots available if you like baking or if you like smiling and helping customers. Let us know if we can get you, or a friend, an application. Skills necessary: smiling and positive attitude.